Free Association 38

It’s been almost two weeks since you last heard from me. During most of the pandemic, I haven’t submitted puzzles to publishers. I’ve submitted a few lately, and that has crowded out Grid Therapy a bit more than I’d like. You’ll be seeing collaborations I did with Beth Rubin...

Free Association 37

Likely as not, when you log on to Grid Therapy, you’re not going to get a hard puzzle. And lately, you’re not going to get a themed one either. I have been relatively bereft of theme ideas which satisfy me of late, and when they have satisfied me, I...

Free Association 36

Congratulations to Tyler Hinman, newly-crowned 2021 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament champion. He’s pictured here for that reason, and also because as per usual, the picture relates to something in the puzzle. This is a screen grab of his Twitch stream, which is worth watching. You can follow him on...

Free Association 35

I put out the call on Twitter for some additional test-solvers to lighten the load on Jeremy Diamond, who has been a rock for me in this little thing I do. I had some generous responses, and this week I took advantage of two of them: Steve Mossberg, who...

Free Association 34

I hope you all made it here ok. I used to have this blog kind of shoehorned in to the website for my psychology practice. I won’t bore you with the details, but in the process of getting my practice website into shape, I broke Grid Therapy. I wish...

Welcome to Grid Therapy… Again

Everything blew up with my old host. It has been, shall we say, unpleasant. So here I am back with a new host, and besides my shiny new logo (thank you to my friend Kevin White), everything should feel pretty much the same. Unfortunately, for reasons I won’t recount,...

Free Association 33

I had a themed puzzle ready for you this week. I tell you I loved it! “Look at how clever I am,” I said to myself. I ran it past a couple of constructors I trust, and the best response I got was ‘meh.’  And so I killed it....

Fanny Packs (Circles Sold Separately)

Yes, that is me. In 2009. At Disney World. With my kids. And a beard. Wearing a fanny pack. I actually wore a fanny pack. I discovered this jarring image when setting up my new computer. And I decided I would let it inspire a puzzle.  When this day...

Free Association 32

In case you haven’t heard, the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament is going to be online this year April 23-25. You can find out more and sign up here.  I hope you enjoy the puzzle. Be well and I’ll see you back here soon. Across Lite (.puz) PDF...

I’m Laughing on the Inside

I’ve got a fairly easy one for you today. Not breaking any thematic ground here, but I hope you enjoy it. We crossword constructors sometimes exchange ideas on social media, and I was having a hard time coming up with a clue I liked for 17-across. Credit goes to Katja...