Free Association 55

Check out the New York Times on Monday for a crossword I co-constructed with Beth Rubin. And if you’re a NYT solver here for the first time from Wordplay or XWordInfo, welcome! Please sign up to be notified when new puzzles appear. Thanks to Norah Sharpe and Matt Gritzmacher...

Free Association 54

I just got through filling out the FAFSA for my kids. I have three graduating high school this year. I trust you’ll excuse me if I don’t have much to say today. What I do have is a puzzle. I hope you like it. Get the jab or get...

Free Association 53

I appreciate you being patient with my slower pace here at the end of the year. Good things are happening on the publishing front, so that’s been taking up some time. But I’m back with a little diversion I hope you enjoy to end your week. Be on the...

You’ve Been Duped!

It’s rejected puzzle time here at Grid Therapy! I haven’t given you a reject in a while, but here’s a chance to see what a couple of publishers have turned down for one reason or another. It’s an easy themed puzzle which I intended as a Monday puzzle, so...

Free Association 52

Happy belated birthday to Grid Therapy! It turned 2 years old in late October and it completely slipped my mind. Hopefully you will not experience any ‘terrible twos’ as you solve over the coming year. I’ll do my best. Enjoy the puzzle and I’ll see you back here soon....

Free Association 51

As per usual, the picture above does have to do with an entry in the puzzle. In this case, I mostly wanted to say, “This is my dog. His name is Donut. You’re welcome. Your day will be better now. He does that.” I hope you enjoy this Free...

Total Jerks

What? Not a Free Association puzzle? Correct. I have a themed puzzle for you today. Why have I not had themed puzzles recently? I’m about to retire from my job and I’ve been submitting every themed idea to publishers for the massive pay which one receives from a crossword...

Free Association 50

“Dad, every time I come in your office you are Googling the weirdest stuff!” – My 16-year-old daughter Guilty. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor. Be well and see you soon! Across Lite (.puz) PDF...

Free Association 49

My youngest kids are now juniors and seniors in high school. But back in the day, I was exposed to certain kids’ shows over and over and over to the point that I will likely be singing stuff like the “Dora the Explorer” theme when I’m in the memory...

Free Association 48

Hi everybody. It’s been about three weeks since you heard from me, and I’m sorry for the delay. Unfortunately we lost my father-in-law recently and there have been lots of things to do. It was not unexpected and he passed very peacefully. Turns out I was put in charge...