Free Association 71
Happy puzzling! If you’re enjoying Grid Therapy, consider clicking the donate button. I appreciate your support! Across Lite (.puz) PDF...
Cryptic Interpretation 4
World got you down? Puzzles to the rescue! Here’s my little contribution. Thanks to Steve Mossberg for the test solve! Have a fantastic weekend! Across Lite (.puz) PDF...
Free Association 70
I’m told this is the hardest Free Association puzzle I’ve constructed so far. Those of you who are world-class speed solvers will no doubt still devour it in nothing flat, but I’ll be interested to hear feedback about whether this deserves its 5-couch rating. Thanks once again to Matt...
Free Association 69
My youngest child just got her driver’s license last week. Three of my kids are graduating high school this week. The train of life just keeps relentlessly chugging down the track. Doing a puzzle every day is an anchor in a sea of change, and I hope this one...
Cryptic Interpretation 3
Happy Memorial Day! For those of you new to cryptics, I put some tutorial links in my post for Cryptic Interpretation 1. If you’ve been resistant to trying these, like I was for a long time, I encourage you to give cryptics a try. Thanks to Steve Mossberg for...
Free Association 68
And now back to your regular programming… Across Lite (.puz) PDF...
Cryptic Interpretation 2
I promise Grid Therapy is not going to turn into an all-cryptics site. That may be good news or bad news depending on your point of view I suppose. In any case, the next puzzle is being test solved as we speak and it’s going to be a good...
Cryptic Interpretation 1
A cryptic puzzle on Grid Therapy? Why yes! Are my regular Grid Therapy crosswords going away? Of course not! This is my first foray into the world of cryptic setting and it has not been easy, dear reader. I think the image above is a fair rendering of me...
Free Association 67
Super proud of #1 son for landing a great job at Callaway Golf headquarters in California after recently completing his Masters degree. I’m sure it’ll be great for him, but mainly I’m happy that I’m getting that sweet sweet family discount to make my game suck ever so slightly...
Free Association 66
I’ve got the Universal crossword puzzle next Tuesday, May 3rd, so be sure to check that out. Thanks to Shannon Rapp for test solving. She is one of the Lil AVC X constructors and has a puzzle blog you can and should check out. I hope everyone has a...